App does not iniciate

Wait what, if you change the language within the app it closes.
So basically you can change to any language within the app and only Portuguese is an issue? (If you could test with other language from within the app to see if only Portuguese causes the issue, it could be helpful)

It’s weird that I can’t replicate, but it’s helpful to know the source of the error.

Hi, I downloaded the trial version you sent. I changed the language of my device to English and the app still doesn’t work.

Maybe try to delete the settings.json file in the Nomad/folder.

Hi to everyone!

The app finally opened, I will show what did I do.
In settings / Languages, I keep the portuguese as default and English as secondary.

Now, in the app settings I went to default / language and set english (United States)

Like this the app will use english even if your device has another language, I tried with spanish too and worked.

At the beginning I did not know that I could set a default language per app… but I am glad that is finally ok and I hope it helps everyone.

Thanks to all that participate in the discussion.

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It’s hardly a solution :sweat_smile:

If someone can access the Android Nomad folder (see FAQ | Nomad).
One test that could help me is to drop this file in the Nomad main folder (next to settings.json), and then start Nomad. The file shouldn’t be renamed, it should be debug.strings exactly.
“Original” should crash (same Portuguese translation file as the Google Play version)
“New” should work (hopefully)

debug.strings (126.7 KB)

debug.strings (126.7 KB)

I changed the language for portuguese again and paste the new debug.strings on the folder, unfortunately didn’t work for me, i cleaned the cache before opening the app, still chrashing.


But you should leave the app in english, the idea is to check if only one of the debug.strings crashes (ideally the “original” should crash but not the “new” one).

If you set the app in Portuguese it could crash even before that.

sorry i forgot to specify, i changed the device language.

Ideally the device language and the app should both be in English if you test debug.strings

I deleted the settings.json file and the app worked again. I will leave here the link of the app that I was able to access the data folder on Android 13.

Yes it works because it’s now in English, the language preference is in settings.json

What I need to know is if it crashes or not if you copy the “debug.strings” file above in the nomad folder.

Normally the first file should crash but not the second one. But I need a confirmation as I can’t test myself for now.

The opposite of what was expected happened. When I copied the first file to the folder, it continued to work. When I downloaded the new one and replaced it in the folder, the application stopped opening.

Hmm, that would be weird.
Maybe you mixed up the “Original” with the “New”?

I also thought I was mistaken when I did it the first time, but I tried again and the same thing happened

I’m from Brazil and I’m also having trouble opening the program, and I believe I lost a model I was working on ;-;