A button to deliberately introduce subtle imperfections into symmetry

This is a pretty experimental idea and I’m suggesting this to see what people think more than anything else.
I think one of the biggest problems with digital art in general is it’s easy to make things too perfect: surfaces too smooth, colors too unvarying and consistent, and symmetry too mathematically perfect.
As far as symmetry goes, nothing in nature is truly symmetrical. If you sculpt a face with x axis symmetry turned on all the time, it’s looks slightly strange just because it is perfectly symmetrical. One way to avoid this is to sculpt the face with symmetry turned on, and then at the end of the process, turn symmetry off and make some very slight adjustments to each side to break the symmetry. I don’t particularly like doing this though - it’s easy to make changes that are too obvious.
However, a different method I have experimented with is to have the model centered on the origin, and symmetry set to “world”. Sculpt something like a face for a couple of minutes, then using the gizmo shift the model very slightly to the left or right, just a tiny amount. After a couple more minutes of sculpting shift it back slightly the other way. Keep randomly shifting the model just a tiny amount to the left and right. The shifts are barely noticeable, but once the sculpt is finished it doesn’t have that unnatural perfect x-axis symmetry.
Do any other softwares have a button to do anything like this automatically? I’ve only used Nomad and blender.
I’m imagining a button that you could press any time you wanted a slight shift; a bit like the voxel remesh button at the bottom of the screen. You could specify in the settings the maximum amount of shift allowable. What would be really great is if you could get a slight shift of symmetry in the y axis direction also - but that would be more complicated because at the centre line the halves would have to blend together, so any shift in y-axis symmetry would need to have a kind of gradient, fading away to nothing at the centre line, and greater displacement further away from the centre.
But anyway, I think you get the general idea - a button that would very subtly break perfect symmetry.
Does anyone have any other strategies/techniques for avoiding the unnatural perfect symmetry effect? I’d be interested to hear.

We all want a “make it cool” button, but we’ll never gonna get it as software/hardware is ment to do what we tell them not waht we want :wink:
Most common worklfow in this case would be making the head symmetrical, and introducing imperfections on a separate layer(s). Layers are optional but would give you the possibility to go back to symmetrical sculpting/texturing and then reapply assymetry/imperfections.

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After re-reading my post I realise it sounds like I was suggesting a button that would automatically introduce changes to things that had already been sculpted: like a magic button that could be pressed to make things look “natural”.
I think I didn’t explain myself all that well; what I meant was simply a button that would slightly shift the location of the x-axis plane when you pressed it. You would then sculpt for a bit, then press it again, thus shifting the x plane once more, sculpt a bit more, press it again etc. Essentially it would just be a quicker way of implementing the technique I mentioned above ( using the gizmo to shift the object a tiny bit relative to the x axis). The behaviour of the button would be precisely defined: move the x-plane a random amount to the left or right, with a maximum distance per move specified in the settings, along with a maximum total distance from the origin in either direction also specified in settings.
This technique really does work well, it’s just a hassle having to activate the gizmo every few minutes!
Thanks for the suggestion about layers - for some reason I haven’t got round to using them very much, which I should. My background is in traditional, non-digital art, and I actually use digital sculpting as a way of working out ideas prior to making things traditionally; I find it interesting how some things which are really difficult in traditional sculpting are effortless digitally and vice-versa!