I have to scale up the sphere 20 to 100 times and then pinch the screen 20 to 100 times to have a reasonable starting point. What the hell?
I mean, are the sizes actual units of any kind or just like “1”?
Is your camera zoomed out? This is my default shape/view:
A youtuber who does tutorials on 3d sculpting said he discovered that was the deal. Plus, if you scale it 100x then turn the remesh detail back down from 5000 to 300, when you use the trim tool, the edges of the holes are much smoother. My solution was to shrink the sphere until is a mere dot via two-finger pinch, enter 100 under uniform scaling under the trim menu, bring the resolution down to 150, and save that under a name. Just gotta remember to “save as” before working on it.
Do you have the link to the video? I’m curious to see it.
Note that you can tap twice on the snap cube to reset the camera (or simply tap twice on the background).
I cannot find it; he (Glen at SouthernGFX) has dozens of videos. So if he is wrong, what does the 1.0 refer to in the scale menu under transform? What is the size of the initial sphere, and why are the edges of the whole resulting from the trim tool so rough, unless the sphere is only 1mm?
Speaking of the trim tool, if we can smooth the edges with the smooth tool, why can’t that just be automated? It is a hassle to clean up the results of the trim; we cannot smooth the inside surface, at least not uniformly, either; how can we get precise, uniform tubes using trim, or do we have to do boolean operations via merging objects to get precise holes, pipes, hinges, axles, etc.? Or is this purely for art, not engineering and design?
I have no idea what you are talking about. It’s precisely why I asked for the videos.
I change the Trim behavior several times.
Smoothing has a shrinking effect.
Never mind. I do not have the videos.
One more attempt. When we click NEW, we get a sphere. When we click on transform in the tool palette and then on transform in the corresponding menu item, we can see the dimension of that sphere, or its diameter, being listed as 1.0. Is that 1.0 millimeters, inches or unit volume with no specific units of measure, neither metric or imperial standard units of measure but only proportionate scaling units, such that when we replace the 1.0 with 10 or 100, for example, does it mean 10 or 100 times whatever the 1.0 signifies?
I would propose adding a sliding button that lets us select mm or inches like Morphi and similar programs have, so that we can accurately size our sculptures without devising a ruler-like object in some other program that does let us specify units of measurement, and then importing it into Nomad to measure our sculptures.
Please do not get me wrong; I do think you are a programming genius, and that your program is terrific and evolving at a wondrous pace. Perhaps the blood clots that clogged one of my lungs temporarily actually did reach my brain, and I only think that I am writing clearly. In that case I apologize very sincerely.
Bon chance.
It’s 1 unit.
I could have chosen to start with a 10 unit sphere, it’s an arbitrary choice.
For some softwares, 1unit is 1mm for other its 1m, etc, There is no right or wrong. It only matters if you want to 3d print it.
You should expect to scale by 100/10 (no one should use inches though) when you use multiple softwares that don’t share the same convention, it’s common.
Yep that’s it.
Unit is sometimes confusing for users, see Enter numbers for scaling and sizing - #8 by Spud
Thank you for the information. Your responsiveness is greatly appreciated, and, your app and your aptitude are genius.
Just as an aside, I discovered the huge difference in object sizes recently when I imported a basic OBJ from ZBrush into Nomad - My Nomad model disappeared and I thought it had been overwritten, but no, it was still there, except that it was a tiny speck under one corner of the imported model. Not a big deal, just something to be aware of if importing models from elsewhere.
Wow. Thanks.