Hello, I was curious about the web demo like every day, superb new interface. I suspect it’s not over but I tell myself that it might help. So for the additive opacity everything works well as long as it is in Matcap. In PBR if we deactivate the environment (with a light activated anyway otherwise we see nothing) we have a normal result i.e. the areas painted in black disappear and the white ones remain but if the environment is on then we have random results. It seems that the opacity values are influenced by the environment, moreover it is impossible to paint a black area reflecting the environment we have while the roughness and the metalness which are taken into account and therefore a reflective surface but transparent. I think it would be nice to have an opacity paint channel independent of the base color.
I’m not sure how to explain it.
If you switch to opaque, if a pixel is dark it will be transparent. But it’s not the paint color but the final lit color that matters.