Hi, I modelled a snake in Maya that I’ve imported into Nomad to add more details and texture that I plan on using as the basis for a Normal map. However I’m finding that the alphas I’m using look fine on the snake’s head but become distorted and low detail on the body. I’m working at the highest multires level I can use without my iPad crashing so I can’t divide any further.
I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice? I’ve had trouble texturing tube shapes in the past in different software and have been told I might be better using substance painter for this which I currently do not own. I was also hoping not to remesh the snake as the UVs and topology have already been set up in Maya. The snake is currently isn’t posed, just laid straight, head to tail as I plan on rigging it in Maya so it can be posed/animated. I did take another version and make the head less dense than compared to the body in hopes it would even things out when subdividing in Nomad but still encountered the same problems.
I can manually draw scales using the crease tool, they look fine on the head and better on the body than the alphas are, but the result is still not great.
Any help would be appreciated.