Noticed that in latest version subsurface material displays in an odd way. Looks the same as regular, opaque material, it just has little more red color bleed ( as expected )
Additionally the SSS material looks less soft overall.
The effect didn’t change.
Do you have a low-end Android device? (if so what’s the device exactly)
Can you show a screenshot to see what’s the scene looks like?
Ideally share the file so that we can take a look (discord if it can be public, or in private/email otherwise).
I have an IPad Pro. Attached are two images, one with the head using SSS mat and the other one without. Both look the same except the subsurface red color, but the softness of the material is gone. Something definitely change between latest versions.
Indeed there’s an issue with scattering, should be fixed on 1.98.
I don’t think it was introduced on 1.97 but maybe a few version earlier.
There was also another issue on 1.96 but it was fixed.
It was working fine on 1.96. Regardless, thx for quick reply!