Values shown would be as if the pivot is parented under the object, so both global and local are shown and Matrix (Local) would be relative to the object (not its parent like the object itself). Bake and scale should probably be disabled.
I think this could simplify the ui a little and add some functionality at the same time
for example
set pivot to world 0,0,0
set pivot to same as the obect’s xform (free “reset pivot” function)
set local xyz rotation to 0 (free “reset align local” button)
set world xyz rotation to 0 (no more need for a “reset align” button)
I started to do it but it’s a bit of work (to allow editing).
Basically it adds a toggle on top of the menu where you can either choose “gizmo/pivot” or the current “real node transform”.
Scale/skew being automatically disabled as pivot doesn’t support it.
It does complexity the UI rather than simplifying it, as I keep the previous behaviour. I usually have bad experience with removing features, unless I’m sure.
Cool, thanks for that! My initial idea was to have the menu content directly linked to the state of “edit pivot mode”, but that might be confusing to the user. I’ll give feedback when it appears on the web demo.