Separate imported mesh into bodies

Hi, just getting into all of this now (3d printing, Autodesk Fusion, etc).
I ran into some annoyances w/ someone else’s model and I’d like to make some edits to it using Nomad Sculpt.
I haven’t bought it yet, I was able to load up the trial version on Android (works surprisingly well on my Windows laptop with Windows Subsystem for Android).
Unfortunately there is no ability to import a model using the trial.

Can someone tell me if Nomad is able to import a mesh with multiple sub-meshes?

This is the specific model I’m trying to work on.

In Autodesk Fusion I’m able to open it and do a “Separate” operation w/ type set to “Mesh Shells” and I end up with 25 bodies.

I guess I’d be fine if Nomad wasn’t able to do the separation itself since I can do it in Fusion, so long as I’m able to export it from Fusion in such a way that they’d appear as separate objects in Nomad.

Any ideas on this?

Yes, Nomad has a separate function. Also, you can use the Mask tool and tap a part of an object. The individual object will be masked and then you can split the masked object from the other object(s).

Cool, thanks for the reply.
This model in particular has an issue where different bodies which are meant to be printed as different colors overlap on a plane (namely the print bed).

What is a good practice for avoiding this? I made an example using Fusion. It’s just 2 rectangles representing a snail or a crab or something like that.

You can’t have the parts butt up against each other can you?.. because then it’d be a disconnected / disjointed mesh right?

Here’s pictures from Fusion as well as Bambu Studio where I try to color the head a different color from the shell and you can see it gets confused.

Couldn’t upload the Bambu Studio screenshot (only allowed 1 upload per post as a new user). But you could imagine how some other software wouldn’t know which colinear plane to render when they’re essentially equal where they overlap.

TIP: You can reply to yourself or the thread and post another picture.

“This model in particular has an issue where different bodies which are meant to be printed as different colors overlap on a plane (namely the print bed).”

What is the issue?

When taking it into your slicer, what does it do? In bambu studio, is it all one color or multiple (.3mf)? What problems does it have when sliced?

Really, whether there are problems or not just depends on the file and how it’s put together and how the slicer interprets it. I’ve seen plenty of people import multi-part files into bambu and it prints just fine. I tend to Boolean the different parts in such a way that it’s a single part and is easily painted for multi-color printing. It really just depends on how the file is put together.

You can import in nomad - WebAssembly through drag n drop

Thanks. The separate worked awesome there.
That WASM stuff worked incredibly well.

I have a Windows laptop with a touchscreen and stylus, would love if there was either a full web version for purchase or a desktop version (even if it’s Electron based w/ WASM).

The idea of running Fusion, Bambu Studio and Nomad Sculpt all on the same device would be wonderful for workflow. It’s enough to have to deal with the intermediate files flowing from program to program, I don’t want to deal with having them copy/sync from device to device as well.