
If nomad can come up with inbuilt option to retopologise like CozyBlanket app . It will be a deadly combination. To keep price of nomad down May be that can be an added feature ( in app purchase )

Nomad will evolve to whole another level. Thoughts ?

Although simplicity of Nomad the way it is now is auper appealing in itself.


I guess that is the biggest issue. The more features are implemented ( and I am one of those screaming for this and that as well ) the more complex Nomad can be for the beginner. Nomad is super convincing in first 30 minutes. People can create something quickly without a very steep learning curve.

Anyway, an in app purchase for retopo could be something. But a functionality of cozy blanket is not done in a day. It would take months for a one man developer. In this time, improvement of all other ā€žmainā€œ things would stuck.

I guess it is much more likely that we see lots of ā€žlittleā€œ improvements instead of big steps in future. Like those one can already see in Webdemo. Scene hierarchy is such a big thing I.e. So many other useful stuff has been already implemented, hundreds of improvements vs. one feature.
As I understood, StƩphane is more after cleaning up everything, refining and organising trillions of things under the hood and doing so many useful little improvements and even big ones, like new rendering features.
What is already there, will be turned into a even more super solid sculpting and rendering app before adding additional main features of other applications, like poly modelling.

Or as probably StƩphane would answer your question:

ā€žRetopology? Not high priority.ā€œ :heart_eyes:

But I canā€˜t speak for the developer and I am not involved in any plans. Just a guesstimation and possible reasons.


Retopology, not high priority.

It would be nice to have an automatic retopo solution, but the algorithm is really hardcore. Maybe some day there will be a robust open-source that I can integrate easily (low confidence though).


Maybe better if theres a method to fluidly file-connect to CB if thats possible at all :sweat_smile:.

Maybe the programmer of Quadremesher/Zremesher may be doing an (affordable addon)? :grimacing:
At first this seems mad, cause he sells Quadremesher for 60 bucks on Pc, BUT if he would do it, he could reach and grab all Android and Ipad users too as customersā€¦

Maybe it would be a win/win for both.

Be aware that you are the creator of the best mobile sculpting solution ever made in humankind :wink:


Half automatic retopology would be nice.

Thereā€™s Instant Meshes and AutoRemesher by Jeremy Hu (open source autoremeshers)

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look at the new change log from today, we have now instant meshes, Amazing


Nice thatā€™s going to be useful. Thereā€™s also this GitHub - hjwdzh/QuadriFlow: QuadriFlow: A Scalable and Robust Method for Quadrangulation but I remember it being quite slow.

Excited about every Nomad releases :smiley:

Quadriflow crashes too often, I did integrated it in Nomad but decided to not expose it.

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Fair enough, I also remember it producing weird stretchy areas. InstantMeshes + pick the best (left/right) side and then mirror I see myself using quite often.

Will Nomad get any options to control edge flow in ā€œInstant Meshesā€?

That would be great if weā€™re able to

For now, no.
But honestly Iā€™m really not convinced that the current quad remesh quality is useful.

It does create some strange results at this point. Just try remeshing the default sphere. However it seems quite useful for adding topology in the lowpoly segment.

Yes, seems to work well for adding quads to flat surfaces


Stephane you genius!

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Forger2023 now has zremensher which is kind of an autoretopology feature. If it works anything like it does in zbrush you should be able to draw guides on the object to influence the topology flow. Itā€™ll set you back $15/yr but itā€™s still cheaper and less complex than cozy blanket.


Just tested it myself, IM AMAZED. Check out the post in the lounge topic ā€œforger vs nomadā€ for pics I shared

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I tested it as well. It works just like it does in zbrush. I think forger will eventually become maxons abbreviated version of zbrush core and c4d on the modeling side. I feel like they might even create a separate mobile app for animation in the distant future. Once every program adapt to metal gpu itā€™s free range on all form factors

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