Bug reports
Even with or without high quality settings on, still drawing this artifacts on the real time and the final render
Bug reports
Close Nomad and reopen.
Take a screen shot of your UI with the Material setup and what the sculpt looks like natively (turn post processing off) might help us diagnose it if @knacki’s suggestion of an app restart doesn’t absolve it.
I think it’s fixed for the next release, culprit being the TAA (last postprocess at the bottom, but only in certain condition).
If you can replicate the bug in a consistent way, try disabling TAA.
I got something like this time by time. Didn’t figured out the conditions. Black floods the screen. Goes away when switching reflections off, or / and AO. But Nomad needs a restart to keep it normal going.
Pretty sure it’s fixed for the next release, marking the thread as solved (don’t hesitate to re-report the bug on next release if the issue persists).
I remember fixing this issue a few weeks ago.