Overhang Display

What do you guys think of a feature to show overhangs? Taking care of overhangs is important for 3D prints but also when baking it can cause some artifacts.


It would be nice but I’m not sure everyone would use it so it may be lower on Steph’s priority list. Also, the angle at which you rotate the part would change where overhangs are so it would have to be dynamic.

Just as fyi though: You can get an idea of overhangs by using the Select Mask tool and enabling the Front Facing Vertex Only filter. Select the whole object from the top (opposite of where the build plate would be) and then you can see any area that may be an overhang. A little cumbersome, but it works for me when needed.


Good thinking!
Thanks mate

Nice tip :grinning:

This is seriously awesome idea. Would be even better if there’s option to tweak the overhang angle display.
We can surely do this in the slicer, but being able to tweak the model as needed without having to export/import tens of times can be a serious time saver.

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Following the idea maybe you can rotate from left view the desired angle and move bottom scrolling from the current view, without changing the view but moving bottom and selecting mask front facing vertex

One way to roughly check the overhangs is to set up two lights with different colors, one from above and one from below.

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