Wireframe bake artifacts

What is causing these?

Could be a million thing, impossible to know what’s going on from a single screenshot.
Having the scene or the buggy part that could replicate the issue could help me investigate.

Is it only a normal map bug? Is out on a UV seam area? Is there non uniform scale in the matrix?
Did you bake from itself (multires) or from others?
Also, what are the bake parameters (maybe disable “sphere fallback” or reduce cage radius or offset, etc)

Yes it’s in the normal map, not on the seams. Would be nice if we could display seams in the viewport and zoom into the UV layout to inspect it. But no, it’s not on the seams.
What do you mean with the matrix?
It was baked from highres. I tried that new feature “sphere fallback’ and played with radius etc but couldn’t get rid of it. I’ll try a bit more. I had it once before and when I baked again it was gone. But this one is stubborn:)

Could be an issue with normal/tangent, but without the files I can’t do anything.

You can’t zoom but you can display the seams in the inspector

Ok will prepare the file for you


Here is the file.
Let me know if something doesn’t work.

Ah interesting, I think it’s a quad thing.
If I convert the low mesh to triangles, then it works better.
(decimate 100% will convert quads to triangles)

But I wonder why other meshes work? Maybe because they have higher subdivisions?
This part is quite low-res.

I was wrong.

It’s indeed a seam issue. It’s just that decimate (or close hole) will fix these seams by merging similar UVs.
If you use the inspector with “uv” and seams enabled, you can see that there are seams everywhere.
You can also see it through the number of UVs vs Points, there is 5K UVs for only 1k vertex.

Did you import the mesh from elsewhere (in that case, which software and which file format?)