New Update dropped! Sweet Lord

Awesome update as always!

Here a suggestion for the layer Organisation :slight_smile:

I think the Parent and Child should be visually distinguishable.
Additionally, an option to matchthe Layer color to the ID color could help with quickly finding objects and its layer.
What do you think?

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Good idea, only if “instance ID” or “object ID” is on.

Took me a while to understand what you meant but I think it could work.
Not sure how it should interact with the selection overlay (since it already use different for main vs secondary selection) but I’ll experiment.


Sorry for the difficult to understand phrasing.

The problem is when all layers are deactivated, it’s really hard to read the layers overall. Text brightness is very close to background color plus strike-through.
If the parent-layer background color is different, it could also act as a separator for the layer above. Then again, you could also use a proper separator line.

I see you basically have done it when the group is selected.