McRaven Sketchbook - Mixing 3D and 2D

Thanks again, guys! I will try to post more often.

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Another piece. Started in Nomad and finished in Procreate.


One more. Started in Nomad, finished in Procreate:


If you haven’t seen this already, it might interest you


Wow! What an insane workflow, @Alex ! Thanks for pointing it out.

@Alex @CarlMcRaven great process in that video. Luckily we don’t have to do the whole matcap export thing for Nomad as we can add more than one matcap to a scene by turning off global matcaps (not sure that’s possible in ZBrush?) I assign multiple matcaps to make a main “final” render & then add overlays of other matcapped parts that require tweaking. Start with the overlays fully masked out and gradually blend them back in as required.

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I haven’t done anything like this yet, but I was thinking about painting the whole object and render it in PBR with lights and post process. And using matcaps only for technical stuff like high contrast, finding edges or masking areas, etc.

I think that matcap render would take me a lot more work than PBR render because I would have to make new matcaps with the same light angle. And with PBR you set light once and then manipulate with material roughness. The texture you can add later in PS or Procreate once you have masking areas as was shown in the tutorial.

I have been away, but here is a new one. Nomad and Procreate


Amazing skills, love your style

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Thanks Nicolas!

Here is another mix of Nomad, oils and Procreate. I call it “The Nomad”:


Very nice work!

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Nice set of work lately, :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks guys! Here is more:



Great picture! Great concept. Really love this. I just wonder, did you ever tried blender, poser, zBrush, 3D coat?
Blender would give you all the freedom for posing and rendering. Poser has some nice painterly NRP rendering styles. Zbrush IMM bashing is fast as hell, specially when you are not looking for fine details. 3D coat does do a wonderful job for lots of tasks.

Or are you an strict iPad only guy?

I just wonder, because rigged spiders, horses whatever are available, not a few for free. If you paint over anyway, this could be a serious time saver, don‘t you think so? So far, posing is a bit crap in Nomad unfortunately.

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Hi @knacki , you are absolutely right. These software are very powerful and it would be a great addition to my workflow. But for the last 2 years I have been using only my IPad Pro.

I moved to another country, got rid of my old gear and decided to try to have a mobile art studio.

Lately, tough, I have been thinking of investing in a PC for the reasons you mentioned. I would also love to play with VR, using Medium and Gravity Sketch.

For the moment I’m just hoping for the evolution of what can be done in IOS. Nomad and Procreate have been really fun, and it doesn’t take me too much time. This last image, of the Spider, were made completely from scratch in one day.

I’m really happy @stephomi created this app.

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Here is a sketch for the next one and the Mantis i modelled in Nomad. I intend to improve my sculpture skills and my understanding of renders and lights.


Update on the Mantis. I’m having too much fun.



And here is the other Rider.


That‘s a great image! !