Lost progress despite auto save

Hey, I have worked in a scene for a while with Auto Save enabled. Because of this I never thought about saving manually. Now I opened the App (iOS) and found my whole progress of the last session was completely gone. In the data folder there was no auto save file to be found (also nowhere else btw. - I checked everything). The file was quite big already, about 8M vertices. Could this be a reason for nomad not doing the auto save or did I do something wrong?
Has this happed to anyone else before?
I would highly appreciate if someone has an answer or solution for me, so this doesn’t happen to me again.

Thanks in advance


The solution is - turn AUTO SAVE ON and save the progress yourself as soon as you put Nomad Sculpt in the background.
Because IOS deletes the memory for APPs in the background - or something similar.
So if you switch to another app in IOS and Auto save was not done yet then you lose the progress in Nomad Sculpt because IOS resets Nomad in the background…

But it’s still strange, because you should only have lost the progress up to your penultimate autosave point … maybe a few minutes … but losing all the progress is strange.