Knight Full 3D

After trying Zbrush on IPad I can say it wont replace Nomad. It can be used complementary though, for stuff Nomad doesn’t have. For example the Polish feature, AO masking to name a few.
What is really cool is that on the ipad you automatically get a bridge from both apps simply by sharing and choosing the app. Nomad allows you to ‘ Add to scene’ . Perfect bridge!
I extensively used Nomad’s Facegroups and Quadremesher.

Although I love Zbrush ( thanks to the 1:1 port, I could use it without a new learning curve) , Nomad’s PBR and much simpler UI, easy Clipping and Splitting, makes it the winner.


… wow. I hope this type of thing is your job because it’s incredible. Amazing.

Trust me, this alone is not enough anymore to find a job in todays over saturated world. I used to model this kind of stuff back in the days using Lightwaves subdivision surfaces.

Nomad is super optimised …models keeps jumping around in UI of zbrush . It’s annoying !

Wow amazing… how you can do that affect on sword?

A duplicate of the sword is set to additive and then used opacity to blend it with the sword

Baking this guy now…
Some is still autoretopo in there but I will replace it with manual retopo in cozy blanket.
The baking in cozy blanket is actually pretty bad. Nomad does an amazing job. Manual UV also yields better results so gonna redo that as well.

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