I want to add the attached shape to a wall.
I enabled dynamic meshing and used the shape as a mask.
But when I extract the mask, the circular and curved edges appear jiggered.
I tried starting the wall with much smaller mesh, but the results are still jiggered.
I also tried smoothing the extracted shape, but I can’t make the edges smooth.
Just wondering what are the proper steps/setup to achieve clean results when extracting shapes with curved/circular lines?
Have you tried triplanar with the division turned up a bit for the initial object. Then you can move it to the object you want and either leave it there or voxel merge it together.
Tried it myself just to make sure I wasn’t giving you bad advice.
Had a few things I had to figure out since I haven’t really used triplanar. But it seems to work.
And just thought about it a bit. The method you used initially would still work. You just need to really increase the density on that portion of the object. Or just subdivide the whole thing a few times (if you have the ram) and then decimate afterwards.
Thanks a lot @SporkFuMaster . Very nice. I know that triplanar is used with images to create a shape like this. My problem is that I don’t know how to do it. I am sure I saw it a while ago in a tutorial, but can’t find it again.
Would you please guide me to the steps to insert an image in the triplanar? or if you have a youtube tutorial?
thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot @Holger_Schoenischka. I was just trying your image to stl method that you shoed in the dragon wings, and i got smooth results.
I will follow your tutorial on the cross since it follows the contour of the main object.
I can’t thank you enough for your exceptional tutorials. They taught me a lot.
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