Hard time understanding how the pivot stuff works

Ok, so I dont get what the mask inside the pivot menu does. It does not move the pivot to the center of my masked portion. How is this supposed to work?

Also what’s the difference between “center” and “align to word”.
They both do the same thing. “Center” shouldn’t change the orientation should it?
I never use the “bottom or the none”.
I would like to see an align to other objects pivot.

When moving the pivot using ALT for instance, although set to normal it is not aligning. Only through a tab. How about instead, ALT will allow to drag the pivot, but releasing ALT while still dragging will align to the normals interactively.

It moves the pivot to the center of the unmasked portion.
If moving it to the mask portion can be useful I can toggle the behavior if you press mask again.
In any case if the mask is symmetrical, the reset mask option doesn’t detect that.

Center moves the pivot to the mesh center and reset rotation locally (so dependent on the matrix).
Align only reset the rotation (aligned to world space, so matrix is ignored).

If the object doesn’t have any transform and the pivot is already centered, you won’t see any difference.

It’s mostly meant for primitive and transform snapping on other surface.
By default the insert primitive got their pivot snapped at the bottom for example.

Not sure what align to other objects pivot means (only the rotation?).
If you want to copy a pivot you can select the mesh and enable “pin” then in the pin drop-down enable “pin → pivot”, select the other mesh and disable “pin”.

Yep, the title explicitly says “on tap”, it implies tapping on the viewport.

While holding the key or button shortcut?
Maybe, I’ll see, but it needs a bit of work as it can conflict with the gizmo interaction (e.g: force the normal orientation while you edit the gizmo orientation).
If the conflict can be resolved, then it could be realtime rather than on release.
If it’s too much of an hassle it can be on gizmo release, rather than alt release.

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Yes, I understand that the title explicitly states “on tap,” meaning tapping on the viewport. However, The current tap-based approach often requires multiple attempts.

Regarding masking—I’m not sure about other users, and I know my workflow might be unusual. When working with Select Mask and Poly Groups, I always mask the portion I want to edit. This means that in 90% of cases, I have to invert the mask, which is ok when you have a keyboard I guess. Would it be possible to add an option in the prefs to reverse the mask selection? Or is it stupid? :smiling_face:
I also understand that this might conflict with how the mask and extract features function. I suppose it comes down to what the majority of steps are for projects.