Edit tube path points

I’ve been having trouble with this lately (editing tube points with pen) can’t adjust points with the pen so I constantly have to change back and forth, it only allows moving the points with finger vs pen. And even though I made the change it won’t work and still have to use finger. It used to work before.

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It’s the same with the lights, I can’t drag them with the pencil, but with my finger, my regards.

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Experiencing this also! Came here to see if there was a fix.

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Just updated now 174 and having no problems moving the points on the tube with the pencil

Thanks, it may be working for you because you have gesture set to any. But if you set the gesture to both sculpt & gizmo to stylus you wont be able to move points with the pen. We are trying to use only the stylus not set it to any mode which allows you to also sculpt with a finger. We want to do everything with stylus mode only. Some people use finger only for color picking and moving the camera. Any mode will allow to move the points with the stylus or finger but then it will also allow sculpting with finger that’s what we don’t want. :slight_smile:

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Oh that I didn’t know, I only sculp with the pencil as well but I can see how having both could cause some unwanted/ unintended strokes, I’ll change the settings once the bug has been addressed, thanks for the info!

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Happy sculpting! :slight_smile:

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