Automatically update project thumbnail for Auto Save - checkbox

Is it possible to add an option to update the thumbnail image when auto save is executed?
It doesn’t matter what the scene looks like for the thumbnail image.
But it is always totally confusing if e.g. only the sphere is visible as thumbnail but the actual scene looks completely different.

Opening a file that looks different to the thumbnail is a good indicator that there is an autosave file. I find it extremely useful as a quick gauge of if you’re looking at the original file or an autosave version.
An autosave is a progress save and there is a choice to revert back to original. I like to know what that original looked like and the thumbnail is the only way

I have suggested a checkbox so that you can decide for yourself.
But just out of curiosity, what good is the old thumbnail, you can’t go back ?
What do you mean by a choice to revent back ?
Autosave overwrites the original I think, you can’t go back - can you ?

Delete auto save and you go back to original :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Or should I say go back to actual save
I hope that this is just a lost in translation moment and that you knew that already?’

I don’t get it - what does delete autosave mean?

But anyway, I think I mean more the thing with the background reset - I think if the app resets in the background, then the original is overwritten with the last autosave - right ?

But no, I don’t know how to get back to the original file before the autosave when the app was closed and reopened, how does that work?

If you have a project and you hit save……that’s a save.
Work for another hour with auto saves happening……then close nomad - without hitting save.
Go back to open file and it opens as per the last autosave.
If you dislike what you’d done then click on green autosave (now new position in 1.93) and then select Discard Autosave.
Close Nomad.
Reopen file and it’s back to original when you did a real save
Previous versions had a big red “Discard Autosave” button on the main menu. It is in a better position now in 1.93

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Ah, found it.
I didn’t know that yet.

Still, I wish there was a checkbox for auto update thumbnail for autosave. :grinning:

Definitely shouldn’t be……if you’re happy with the sculpt….hit SAVE. Thumbnail updates & you know where you are in life :slight_smile:
I added a cheeky video on the discord.

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