Ads in my face?

Trying to make it as short as possbile:
Purchased Nomad Sculpt and now I am seeing this big FAT “Buy Quad Remesher” icon on the side. Nomad Sculpt is an app to make art. In order to make art you need to be in your zone. Nothing should distract you. Seeing this BUY icon is triggering me too hard so I am not able to focus on my art. And I won’t purchase that just so that the icon goes away.

You either remove that or me and other people won’t use that app anymore.


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Oh no…lol.

lol lol

I hope Steph makes it bigger just to trigger you and all the other delicate flowers out there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Just move the tool in its own folder

Otherwise wait for next release improvements:


LoL - when this triggers you: why you even bought an iPad? … :roll_eyes:

Honestly, Quadremesher is quite a good tool for most newbies, also for advanced. Those, who are struggling with the interface / anything, Or others, knowing it’s benefits + advantages - but always remember: time is, what matters. I bought it, as I don’t care about the small money, but want to support the development (yes, I know: the most money, from this extra purchase, does not go to stephomi). I do no use it - but many really want it. Especially those, who did not know it before…

Just knowing, how hard it is for most beginners to get any success (I learned it the hard way): I appreciate, that this option is clearly visible, easily accessible. Fearing the never-ending questions: how to buy it, how to do it, etc. spoiling this forum… realizing that, I would simply ignore the highlighting.

If your demand is, to offer an option, to block such ‘advertisement’ - that’s another story. And I am sure - if available - you are intelligent enough to use such option, to never be annoyed again.

So… @stephomi: will there be an option, to block this - for some - very annoying purchasing option, any presence, of like Quadremesher (and others, hopefully, surely to come plugin / scripting options? … very hard :wink:) in the future?

Jepp, I’m old and horrible nasty:
When there will come a plugin / python scripting option?
If not: be sure - I do not care. I’m just too old for all of this…

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I’d tell you what triggers me, but haven’t got the time to read your reply.
That’s a long ass way to end up saying you don’t care.