Adam's Recent Sculpts

Another work in progress. Ashoka Tano from Star Wars.
Not sure from which period of time. May end up being a mix of styles.


I’m speechless :+1:t2: :heart_eyes:

Thanks Dface. :+1:t2:

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A small update. Going for a younger face.


great, it’s clean and detailed and yet there isn’t a crazy polygon number. it’s just beautiful.

You are on fire!

Thanks Costorella. :+1:t2:

Thanks Knacki. :+1:t2:

A work in progress caricature of George.


you have talent it’s incredible.

Haha, I love this! Awesome work!

Absolutely brilliant talent you have,

Great likeness and funny caricature :vulcan_salute:

Thank you Costorella. :+1:t2:

Thank you Darko. :+1:t2:

Thank you Knacki . :+1:t2:

Kennedy’s dark deeds.
She is a work in progress. I have a scene planned with George and Kennedy.


I’m going to die of excitement seeing you sculpt each single character :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Loving these!

Thanks. That may take a very long time. But I will finish off older Star Wars sculpts now with Nomad.

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