Using split screen on iPad breaks Nomad interface

I believe this is similar to a bug that came up in 2021. If I split the screen to show Nomad and the Photos app, then buttons like Solo and others stop working. If I make Nomad full screen, they all work again. I use split screen all the time to look at multiple reference images while sculpting so this is a big one for my workflow. This seemed to start being a problem with iPadOS 18. Currently running iPadOS 18.2.1 on an iPad Pro 13-inch (M4) with Nomad Sculpt 1.95

I’ve been trying to find a workaround for this based on old bugs, but now I’m finding that using split screen breaks the interface completely. I can’t rotate the model or solo it or anything until I restart Nomad.

By the way, in my opinion there are much more practical solutions for reference images than Split View.
There are Picture in Picture solutions where you can move the reference image freely on the screen and switch between the images.
Or slide over for the apps is also practical.

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Split screen works fine for me.
Buttons, everything, etc is fine.


Interesting. I went back and tried again and it was still breaking for me. Then I tried again, but used my finger instead of the pencil to select Solo and it worked. Then I tried the pencil again and it didn’t. The pencil works full screen, just not split screen. In split screen if I use the pencil to select Solo, it turns green but the object doesn’t get isolated. And I can’t rotate the model or do anything else. If I use my finger, all works as expected.

Slide over covers half the tools. PiP doesn’t work if you’re doing precise sight-size sculpting and have multiple reference photos aligned with the model. The best workaround I’ve been able to do is save multiple images in a line and set that as the background and save multiple cameras with model lined up with each.

Just out of curiosity, what do you need the split view then for, when you use the background image ?
In split view mode, you cannot align a reference with the model, so, for what is the split view ?
By the way, Nomad also works flawlessly for me in split view (Ipad Pro / IOS 18.3)

I’m using the background image as a workaround. I have about 30 reference images that I flip through in split screen. That means formatting and loading 30 images into Nomad, scaling positioning and saving camera views now. Split screen used to work fine for the last couple of years. It stopped working after the last two Nomad updates. I don’t know what to say. I’m not making it up. I’ve restarted my iPad, I’m on the latest OS and the latest Nomad. Try using split screen and set the photos app to take up a quarter of the screen. Then use the Apple Pencil to click Solo. It will highlight like it’s selected but it won’t isolate the model. Then you can’t rotate the model or select anything. Used to work, now it doesn’t.

Are you on iOS 18.3?

Wow, the iOS updates are coming fast, no 18.2.1. Downloading 18.3.1 now…

Updated to 18.3.1 and yeah it’s interesting. If I use the pencil in split screen Solo turns green but does not isolate the model and things stop working. But, if I use my finger, Solo works and so does everything else. The interesting part is that after I’ve used my finger, the pencil now works to isolate the model as well. If I quit out of Nomad and start over, I can recreate the same issue. If anything it seems like an Apple Pencil issue or OS issue. I don’t know. But at least there seems to be a workaround. It’s the Apple Pencil Pro version. Maybe there’s something fussy with it.

Maybe check the bottom inset value (interface menu)

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That worked!! Set the bottom inset to 20 and works perfectly! Thank you!! Merci!!