Triplanar texture - hiding parts of the texture option

The Triplanar textures always cover the entire mesh …
Could there be a way to cover parts of the Triplanar texture?
Like a mask on a layer for example ?
That would be fantastic, so you could, for example, apply a Triplanar skin normal map to a head and then hide parts of the texture with a layer mask…
Or perhaps a possibility to use Triplanar only on selected face groups …

If you put the triplanar texture on a new layer you could use Del Layer to remove masked off areas… as a work around for now

Thank you, I know, but I’m not talking about the Vertex Triplanar materials, but about the Triplanar texture in the material menu / UV map without UV … so to speak. :grinning:
So you can use a texture in triplanar without UV Map but make it possible to hide some parts.