The three fingers in 1.91/1.92 cannot rotate the newly created custom light source

In version 1.91 and 1.92, when three fingers panning operation, only HDRI can be rotated, custom lights can’t be rotated and MatCap can’t be rotated.
However, if you open a previous project, the lights created at that time can still be rotated to follow the HDRI, but not the newly added lights!

For matcap, you need to unlock it (lock icon… next to the matcap rotation slider). Rotating a matcap doesn’t make much sense but anyway.

For lights, it only works if the light is inside a child of the “Lights” folder.
But since the group name is now localised, it doesn’t work anymore (that’s a bug)

:grin:Yes, I didn’t notice the locking mechanism of matcap, indeed matcap is normal. But the lights still can’t be rotated with three fingers even when placed in the “lights” folder, which is supposed to be a bug since 1.91。

The node should be named “Lights” in English, not Chinese

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Yes! Changing to English does restore it!