Still new to nomad

At 56 ,I am starting the digital world of sculpting. What started out as something for my daughter,turn out fun for both. Sadly she does procreate and i do nomad. She still uses it a little but like her drawing.
I am at no level of greatness, but I am having fun. Some of the sculpts i did on nomad made it to a full sized robot carving of 14 feet. That was an eye opener and got me hooked. Thanks nomad and the community for helping an old dog learn a new trick.


That’s awesome! Is the dragon a slide?

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So cool! Great job.

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Yes the dragon is a slide, and thank you

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Great, I would love to see the robot in action. Perhaps you could post a video? :100:

I have one video but it says too big for upload. Sorry


So cool. I would love to see the robot as well and, if possible, a breakdown of the process- from the design all the way through to the end result.