Hello! Huge shout out to Stephane for porting his amazing SculptGL over to iOS. I’ll be updating this thread with my test sketches and creations in Nomad. Here are a few images to kick things off:
Here’s a 20-minute video showing how I used primitives to block out form, then merge via voxels prior to sculpting.
Current WIP on the bust sketch. Wishing there were some more robust polygon editing tools for hard surface. Some workflow issues bugging me (constantly having to turn on and off select in viewport, funky assigning materials, remembering to turn off Global, then over to paint menu, etc.) but it’s getting there.
Nice stuff looking forward to seeing more
I really love your art style can’t wait to see more !
Got some noodling in today. Was inspired by a recent viewing of My Octopus Teacher on Netflix (highly recommended!)
Experimenting with poly painting on both a PBR material, then switched over to MatCap, which has an interesting quality.
Hard Surface exploration. Looking forward to parent/child hierarchy, booleans, and hopefully, some polygon editing tools - like adding edge loops, extruding faces, more precise ways to mask and scale regions, etc.
Poked at that previous base model throughout the day. Wanting for local axis transformations when in Symmetry mode. Also, would be nice to make a change to an already assigned material, VS having to go and reassign every piece when exploring color options. And, we REALLY need some type of parent/child hierarchy in the layer stack.
Here’s my first attempt at exporting .obj and uploading to Sketchfab, all from the iPad Pro.
Don’t forget to fool around with the brush falloff! Getting some wicked results with just toggling between add/subtract on a single brush. Brought over to Maya and rendered with a layered shader with curvature node in Redshift.
It’s been awhile since I posted. Here’s a quick sculpt done over the weekend, quickly taking a sketch to 3d.
Great sculpts!
Just tried out the Web version, and it’s a pretty seamless transition! Worked great with my Intuos tablet on Windows 10.
Sadly, no save or export, so this one is lost to the digital ether. Would be nice to have export capability in the future if we already own the app on iPadOS.
Reminds me of the 80’s Madballs.
Totally digging the new Radial Symmetry feature. Plus, it works great with the Insert tool! Is there a way to append custom geometry while using the Insert tool?