Profile Editor: Move all Nodes / rotate all Nodes and scale …

Profile Editor: Move all Nodes / rotate all Nodes and scale etc.
It would be really important to have more options in the profile editor.
You need the basic functions to be able to move ALL nodes at once: MOVE / SCALE x/y / ROTATE.

  • Flip & Mirror

Without these functions, you go crazy when you have to move the profile, unfortunately every single node has to be adapted.

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Being able to make a selection of nodes and translate/rotate would be more flexible.

And then I would also want this for the normal tube nodes. :see_no_evil:

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It would also be really useful to be able to load a background reference image.

Being able to snap to or match a reference object would be helpful too.

Maybe this helps:

Such a small gizmo that can be placed on the nodes. This is how you could move, rotate and scale the profile.