Objects disappear when I import obj file

I am very new to Nomad but I want to use it to sculpt a face plate for an object that a friend made in Solidworks. They sent me an obj file and it pops up in the app but every time I want to add a sphere or build off of it…nothing shows up. Do I need to use a different file, app, or something else?

Do you have the Solo tool enabled?

FYI- a screenshot works miracles when trying to troubleshoot :wink:

This is what I got…I don’t know what I’m doing.

Start by selecting just the sphere, then the Gizmo. That should show you where it’s at. Most likely, the added sphere is just really tiny (possible it’s the opposite, but unlikely).

I’ve tried that but the gizmo is off to the side. Maybe it is tiny tho. I’ve tried to have a starting with a new scene with a sphere and then import the obj but it does the same thing.

So you can see the full gizmo. Use the outer ring and pull out to scale it up. Might take a number of pulls, but it should eventually become big enough to see. Then you can scale it properly.

wow I feel so dumb! It was just super tiny ty.

It’s not a regular day unless I’ve done at least one dumb thing. I don’t think this even qualifies to be even on the lowest end on my scale of dumb crap I do…lol. Thankfully it was a simple fix.