Thank you!!!
I really appreciate it
Thank you!!!
I really appreciate it
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, thank you.
Do you have a knitted one at all
Thank you for sharing these tools!
These are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m a newbie, this is such a nice treat for me to play with.
Elefant skin download.
Elephant Skin.json (2.2 MB)
Hi dear,
how i add this brush’s inside app, i use a ipad, i did a download and when a tryed up to app by add alpha i can’t do it . can you help me?
Copy the json files in the Nomad Tool folder - > then restart the app. The the new brushes are in your tools.
Stamp brushes: Dragon / Owl / Eagle medal / Octopus / Face old
Owl.json (6.0 MB)
Face.json (2.3 MB)
Eagle Medal.json (1.9 MB)
Dragon.json (6.5 MB)
Amazing !
Tiki stamps
Tiki 1.json (1.1 MB)
Tiki 2.json (1.9 MB)
Tiki 3.json (2.9 MB)
Tiki 4.json (3.8 MB)
Tiki 5.json (1.9 MB)
Tiki 6.json (1.5 MB)