New to sculpting, all critique appreciated!

Hell yeah!

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Your creatures are outstanding

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Been a minute…. Here’s a Lilith W.I.P. though. Stuck on anatomy for now… might leave this to rest for a day and come back with fresh eyes.


Great start! And a bit scary… :ghost:


Nomad is crashing on me at this point so can’t make outfit or any other details at all really.



Hell yeah! Very nice piece of art!
I would do the concave parts (cavities) of the horns less reflective.

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I do not believe that you already tried the decimation function, did you?
It can produce real wonders, even though the skin is very detailed.
Give it a try.

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Never heard of it, I’ll look for tutorials, unless you know of any? Thanks bud!

Not much to tutor :grinning:

I started with 4 million, reduced to 120k, that was a bit too less. Undo - and reduced to 600k, almost perfect.

Just save a copy with new name and let it go till you are happy. Tap the question marks for short explanations. Super easy, super effective.
You will be super surprised what’s possible.

The output are triangles, no quad mesh btw.


Thanks @knacki I will try that out for my next project!

This time I joined the mushroom trend I’ve seen here, so here is my shroomboi:

Background is a photo I took this past summer in Sweden!


That‘s a beast. Very well done.

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Added some background work to two of my earlier sculpts while slacking off on the sculpting itself. I’ll be back with something new soon! :smiley:


Great stuff!!!

Damn you’re the best beginner I’ve ever seen.
Is this All poly paint? This is amazing especially for a beginner. So I’m new as well but I I’m kinda stuck with poly painting on my iPhone. I don’t have any alphas or textures yet just default tools. I’ll get an iPad and try procreate later on this year.
I sculpted my favorite marvel villain and maybe you can give me some suggestions on what to do with this.

Hey man! Thanks alot! Honestly I wish I could help but my work is a kind of push and pull situation… I don’t have any certain style or formula I go by, I just experiment with each piece as much as I can. Try using different shades of purple for your character and look at human reference. Maybe darken some areas and lighten others but keep it close to your main colour. Don’t forget to use layers! I didn’t get that until a while in… hmm what else… texture painting perhaps and try to switch opacity on your texture layer. Your skin looks kind of grainy, but if you take the opacity down a tad maybe it’d look better! Anyway YouTube and the chads on this site will probably help you better than I can! Thanks for stepping by :grin:


Trying some stuff


That’s a very cool design.

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How do you bend things like belts and stuff? With the move tool?

It depends what I am creating! Look for the shape in different basic shapes to begin with, like create a Cylinder with a hole in it and cut it in half and you have a half pipe/bow shaped mesh. That’s how I began the belt for Buster Timberbraider. Then I shape it with the Drag or Move tool depending on result wanted. Try using both of those tools and experimenting with it. Unfortunately I am still a newbie with these things so I am just trying out new methods in each process I create, so I cannot say which method is the best!

Good luck with creating your belts, and stuff! :muscle:t4::grin:

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