Good to sculpt again

It’s been quite a while since I posted, or sculpted much so starting on a new character today. Still procrastination on the hands though but I’ll start them eventually lol.


I know where you’re coming from. I often stare at my models with hesitation and a ‘‘do that piece in a minute’’ approach lol

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Some changes to the face and got off my butt and added hands, I think this will become a nice base mesh for some future sculpts. Still some proportions and muscle groups I’d like to iron out yet


Exactly, and what’s worse is when I do get around to it it’s always “this ain’t so bad, why do I keep putting it off?” And then the cycle continues lol

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Quick 20 minute sculpt, trying to have some fun and was just seeing what would come of it.


I love this “let it go” so much as well. But often it doesn’t end in same good result as yours :wink:

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Trust me i struggle with it too usually, but with a stroke of luck and persistence it works just right lol. I tend to get stuck in the whole if I don’t have an idea I won’t sculpt as much and I just feel like that has been holding me back a lot.

Starting an orc tonight, might try and actually do more detail and alphas but for now just having some fun with it.

With a splash of color


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Playing more with lighting and painting while on my break at work


Nice sculpt, nice SSS effect. Is it painted only or some fancy trick? I played around with a duplicated object and additive material

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For the sss I used the duplicated and additive material, I saw the tip from one of your replies to a post actually and it was a huge help.

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Haha, I never used it as good as you did :+1:

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I don’t know about that the sample I saw in that post looked fantastic, I hope I can keep improving as I mess around with it more

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Going to try and keep all my artwork posting in this to keep from spamming art posts, starting a new sculpt and got the Gumby body down now to get to the real fun and get the proportions and details started and maybe finish a sculpt for once lol

I wish I had more time to sculpt so I could be farther along in this sculpt, but still making progress and having a blast when I do get the time

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This is going to be lovely again.
Very nice colors as well.
But those earrings?
I hope it’s plastic, otherwise their weight is frightening.

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I did make them smaller as well as added some more elasticity in the ears, if you think those are heavy you should see the ones I wear in real life lol

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Hahaha - well sorry. I shouldn’t speak up where I only have limited knowledge about. Looks more believable to me now….even though…ouch…that much? :joy: You see, I have no real idea what I am talking about. Keep up the good work and do the earrings exactly to your likeness. It will be fantastic, I am sure :star_struck:

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