Merry Christmas- My first sculpt in Nomad

**Merry Christmas everyone!**:christmas_tree::gift::santa:t2:

When I was a kid, I used to draw Gremlins all the time in my Trapper keeper at school among other things… this year I decided to sculpt one in 3D on my iPad Pro!

Have to give thanks to Glenn Southern @southerngfx for his amazing tutorials, which got me up to speed quickly on Nomad.


Good job, looks spot on ! Merry Christmas Everyone


Thank you!

Did you sculpt the tree too , or is that a background image? Whole thing looks great - very good fur!

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Happy Christmas, really Nice one, do you plan to make the midnight version too? :sweat_smile: It could be Nice to see a crazy gremlins in the Christmas tree​:joy:

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Thanks jim1234! The light bulbs and Gizmo were sculpted. The tree was actually a photo backplate I took of my Christmas tree in my house. Fun fact is I just became a dad and you can see my son’s pack and play in the background. :smiley:

Thank you Pomme11… I was thinking about doing the midnight gremlins next! :grinning:

Great sculpted !
I think you should mention in the title of the post what background you have.
I have seen the first sculpts of SouthernGfx and others with Nomad sculpt and they had nothing to do with the details of this sculpt.
I can’t imagine that this is your FIRST sculpt with Nomad. Even professionals should have problems to create such a scene at the 1st try with Nomad Sculpt. Of course I can be wrong…
No offense meant.
Merry Christmas to you too.

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Nice, it’s gone be great!!

Would love to see the full process… How do you guys even manage to make fur in Nomad? Anyone mind sharing some tips please?

It’s a long and tedious process, you make a single hair from a plane or a tube. Then you place the hair, make a few clones and make a group out of it. Then you place these hairs piece by piece on the object.


Thank you Holger, I’ve just finished watching this tutorial from ‘SouthernGFX’, it is indeed a long procress but surprisingly the final result is quite satisfying. Great method that can be used for grass as well. Now with the Array tool I understand what can be done. Thank you for sharing!


Hi Holger,

Thanks for the kind words. I have been working in 3D for years and currently work every day in blender. I wanted to see how far I could push working on the iPad and Nomad is an amazing app! It feels more intuitive to sculpt in this way for me at least. I am being completely honest that this is my first sculpt in Nomad. I’m glad you enjoyed the results. Anyway, can’t wait to do more sculpts in the future! However, might do one next without hair. That was the toughest part, as my nomad kept crashing on me. I wish I had got the larger RAM model now. :frowning:


Yeah I was just thinking… that Tree is a RAM’s worst nightmare

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May I ask what method you used for the hair: was it Glen Southerns where he uses a plane to create an individual hair, then clones it many times? Or maybe you used tubes instead - it would be interesting to know as the result is great. I would also be curious to how many vertices the main figure has. Thanks.

Hi Jim1234,

To answer your question, the method I used was the Glen Southern plane method. I was already having RAM issues because of detail complexity. I basically only built the front camera facing hair because of the same issues and wanted to get a finished render faster. My vert count for the character without the hair 12.7 million whereas the full scene with hair and lightbulbs on the wire was around 30 million. Obviously, lighting and how you render affects the final look a lot.



Congratulations! Becoming a dad is a wonderful and life changing thing! Into a good direction in almost every case, don’t worry :wink:

If your child just gets half as good as your sculpt, earth will be a richer place.

Very nice grooming and your material settings seems to be just spot on.
Integration with background is fantastic. Very clever done! Did you use the background picture to light your scene? Got some good results in Nomad this way.

Over all a monster work for first sculpt in Nomad. Bravo!,

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Hi knacki,

Thank you, being a dad is amazing! I’m hoping at some point to try another sculpt, but at the moment watching the little guy is my main priority.

I lit the scene with another room hdr that I found online which was close to the lighting in my house. If I had more time it would have been great to shoot an hdr pano of my living room.

Are you saying that you have lit a scene with a still photo in nomad before ? I never thought to try that.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you enjoyed the sculpt.


Hey, yes. Just throw in a jpg.
Made it here and following sculpts

Sure, poles are shrinked together. But it’s more an issue for chrome material.
Unfortunately no shadow catcher material, but with a bit experimenting and fakes you can get it quite far.

Have fun with your baby. Every day is unique and won’t come back. It gets very obvious in this age. My baby made super cute cat like sounds while sleeping. But just for some days and never again.
Now he is twenty. Not so much cute features left, still my love anyway.

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