How to vertically align pivots of irregular shape

I am struggling to figure out how to vertically align the pivot of an irregular shape object (basically a turret object) with the pivot of a cylinder base. The turret is expected to rotate horizontally on the cylinder base, but since the turret is not a regular shape, the center is not working well (the calculated center is not the intended connecting position from both z and x axis perspective), and manual alignment is not accurate enough. Any suggestion would be much appreciated, thanks!

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Maybe a screenshot helps … to see exactly what you want to do.

Thanks for your reply! I hope this picture better illustrates my question. My object was scanned, so its quality is not as high as the one shown in the picture. As a result, the pivot point calculated from the center is not perfectly aligned with the x-axis, but rather affected by the rough surface, meaning it’s not centered along the x-axis of the ideal model. Additionally, it’s challenging to determine the center of the circle for the base cylinder.

First of all: scanned objects are of course not very advantageous. Either you force the symmetry and mirror the object - this is the only way to find the center for the pivot - or you do it by eye.
Otherwise, your plan is difficult to explain in words, it would be best if we had the mesh and could make a video…

Maybe a workaround:
You could set the turret’s pivot to be in the same place as the cylinder’s pivot by using some steps in the scene explorer menu:

  • clone the cylinder
  • parent the turret under the cloned cylinder
  • mask the cloned cylinder
  • select turret and cloned cylinder then click “join”
  • delete the masked part (cloned cylinder) using hide with “mask on tap”

seems like as soon as I use mask for cloned cylinder(step 3), the pivot is moved to edge place automatically…

Maybe edit pivot mode was on. You could swap steps 2 and 3.

Maybe this helps:

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I think aligning by eye might be the only option I have for now… I am trying to 3D print a turret for a model, so that the turret can rotate on the base turret ring (I want to preview this effect in Nomad Sculpt by manually rotate the gizmo). However, if the y-axis pivot of the turret and the y-axis pivot of the turret ring are not vertically aligned at the same point, the turret will rotate unevenly, causing a wobbling motion instead of a smooth, centered rotation.

Thanks for the video! It’s a bit tricky for me to fully understand but let me do some experiments to see if it helps.

yes forget my steps, what is shown in the video is much easier (although i didn’t really understand them yet, especially the link stuff)

Actually, your pivot issue should not be a big problem, the problem is that I cannot describe in words what you have to do. :grinning: