How to keep the materials and painting on each mesh the same when joining?

Hello! I am making an object with many different layers and different types of materials with different transparency. When i join objects together, if one is transparent, it will override the other when joined and the whole thing will become transparent. So if i have this cd player, for example. If i voxel merge the metallic mesh with the transparent mesh, the whole cd changes to one material, instead of keeping the metallic and transparency separate. How can i join them and also keep the transparency?

Before joining

After joining

Also the material properties are changed after joining. So the black circle is now smoothed out after joining.

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An object can only be one material/transparency. When merging two objects, the last one chosen is the material/transparency the objects will become once merged. If you want to keep them different materials/transparencies, keep them as separate objects.

ok, thank you. but are you sure that is correct and you aren’t thinking of voxel merging? I don’t understand why each mesh should take on the material of the first since i am only joining them, not voxel merging them. so they can still be separated later, it isn’t one object. if it was one solid mesh, it would make sense to take on the material of the first mesh, but it is not. they are still separated. and you can see in the second photo after joining, one piece of the mesh is still black, so it kept it’s color somehow after joining.

There’s several things at play here; vertex paint information, materials, textures/uvs.

If you’re painting information into the vertices, they can support colour, roughness, metalness, opacity. Anything beyond that is stored at the material level, which is independent of the meshes.

Because of that, combining 2 objects with different materials will behave different based on the kinds of materials you’re using.

If both objects are using the opaque material, then they should merge without issue.

Any other combination, you will lose something in the conversion process. Eg if you’re using refraction for the clear layer, and opaque for the reflective, the order you select the meshes before combining will affect which material will be discarded.

If you’re using textures and uv’s, then that’s yet another issue. If you use a texture for the transparent layer and another texture for the reflective layer, again one will be discarded when combined.

Ultimately, if you want different material types on a single object, keep those parts as separate objects, and put them under a group so you can move them as one. Maybe one day nomad will support multiple materials on a single object, but not right now.