Half a year has passed since the last update. Why hasn't the new version come yet?

An Autodesk user have to wait one year to get a paid update with less new functions we got in-between with Nomad. You could use Mudbox to learn what real stagnation is looking like.

Stéphane, the one and only developer of Nomad is doing all.
Programming, documentation, admin of all social media crap like answering your question. Beside that, he is offering a free and open to anyone WEBDEMO where you can play with all new functions and give constructive feedback. Last update is from 19th of may. Further more he is listing all major changes in CHANGE LOG

Beside that, he is cleaning up a lot of things he couldn’t while he was publishing one update after another.
Instead of this, the frequency of updates is lowered to save time for revising again and again.

This is more efficient.

So tell me one developer giving this transparency and possibilities of a commercial app. There is no commercial developer .
Free blender is only one.

And know imagine how much fun it is, after 12h of programming and some time as admin per day to read your comment shouting “Why!” without even the patience to inform yourself.
One single user, who really paid…is it still 17$ ? = Three cups of coffee. Or two at Starbucks.
Half a year and I haven’t seen one sculpt of yours…WHY??
:joy: just kidding. Love and :vulcan_salute: