Adding “FBX” export support would be great.
As FBX format is better and widely used format to import in Game Engines like Unreal and Unity and 3D softwares like Maya and 3dsMax
I think it is a must have Export Format
glTF is good , but also having FBX Exporting would be plus.
FBX is a closed format, so I would need to use their FBX SDK, which is not available on Android.
There are open-sourced alternative (thanks to reverse-engineering, but I’m not sure how robust that is).
Also, I’m not a big fan of the idea of a closed-source file format, although this is not the most important reason.
I understand, thank you for the information
One thing…i noticed in my Galaxy j7 nomad Sculpt can render upto 1080p resolution,
But in my brother’s phone he can render upto 4k , he has Redmi 9 prime 4gb ram
So does it depends on the device?? the render resolution
Substance Designer/Painter is for texturing, but Nomad only supports vertex painting.
It’s not a file issue, it’s about lack of UVs in Nomad (see