I like the embossing tool and I use it sometimes, but I am always baffled by the mask extraction that is automatically created when using it. You know, basically you get an extraction of the masked area exactly like using the extracted option.
That is a bit cumbersome as I usually have to remove that extraction just to see the result of the embossing and start over if things don’t look right then delete the extraction if things do look ok.
And so I have been wondering is that extraction created on purpose, and if so what can be done with it afterwards? Any ideas?
Artefact? Of course it’s on purpose.
Why does the masked area become an extraction? Why is there not just the embossing happening and what is the extraction for? I still don’t see it’s purpose.
Je sais pas mec je n’en comprends pas l’utilité, même si elle doit sûrement en avoir une j’en suis sûr! Éclaire ma lanterne svp.
I think you got it backward, the whole point of the engrave/emboss is to extract a part that can be imbricated into another (or at least the first part in doing).
If you just want to push/pull, simply invert the mask and use the inflate tool with “drag dynamic radius” and the falloff “one”.
You can save the tool as a preset. Also there will be less trial & error as you’ll get visual feedback.