Apple Pencil Double Tap not working

Assigning ‘Pencil Squeeze’ is now working with the update, while assigning ‘Double Tap’ is now not working.

Nomad registers the double tap gesture (haptic feedback) in the viewport but when trying to assign double tap to a brush, it will not register the gesture.

I can’t replicate this issue. I can assign double tap and use it just fine.

What’s your iOS version? And tablet model?

iPad Air M2 - 18.1.1

Did you figure out what could be the issue?

When you are in this menu, nothing happens and you still have the haptic feedback?

Sure you didn’t disable double tap in the iOS settings?
If so try to set it manually in bindings.json (see second screenshot).

No, on this screen nothing happens. I get feedback all other times. And no I didn’t, it works in Freeform.

How do I edit this file on iPad?

Use any text editor or send the file to desktop to make the edit.

Otherwise replace bindings.json with this one (6.3 KB)

In case you already have a shortcut with “pencil tap” bind, is it working in the viewport? That’s what I want to know, if the shortcut is working fine when it is assigned.

Yes now it works. I can also see pencil tap in the key bindings.

Assigning the pencil tap in app, the normal way, still not working.

Hmm, do you have a keyboard connected while you try to assign a stroke?
I find it strange that I don’t replicate this bug.

This option is off?

Ah I see. Yes, this was switched ON.

When I switch this setting off it works.

This was the issue.

It still does not work on mine. The option is turned off but trying to double tap won’t switch btw subtract and add materials. Like “tool/erase”. Tried changing the pencils switch options. Tool/last tool. Tool/Eraser. It used to work just easily, like drawing in procreate. Double tap to draw and erase. Now hopping back into nomad.

Okay the issue was having to go into keyboard options (not using keyboard) → quick and then editing the first “Add/Sub” to pencil tap. Seems to switch the tool as it used to.
My heart… please! :smile: