Hello development team!!! Already I would like to tell you that your application is top I love it!!! I would like to ask you about the possibility of importing brushes and alpha in zbrush format into our wonderful application nomad sculpt. I’m sure that all users would be happy and would be crazy to have this possibility to make sculpting easier for us!!! Thank you if you manage to do this!!!
You can import alphas already, but Zbrush tools are quite specific to Zbrush - is it possible to import them into other applications? (Just curious)
No, proprietary and closed/undocumented format.
Greetings! I have been wanting to ask this question for a long time. But it is difficult for me to formulate it in English. I’ll try. Is it possible to create an algorithm that will combine objects with each other with the condition that retopology will be performed only along the mesh connection seam?
Maybe do auto retopology/voxel remeshing on two merged objects only in the places marked with a mask? The principle of action is approximately the same as in this video.
(Nomad sculpt on android. Tutorial. Merging objects without losing much of the topology. - YouTube)
Here I tried to achieve the desired effect only with the available Nomad tools. This function is needed primarily by people who create models for 3D printing. It will also allow you to make highly detailed objects in parts, followed by their combination into one object, without losing detail throughout the entire volume of the model.
Or maybe there is already a way to merge objects without completely losing the topology in Numad, and I just don’t know it?
Based on what I’ve read maybe the only way to do that is to create the brush effect as an alpha. There are Tuts I’ve seen on YouTube where you can customize the crease brush tool to behave like dam standard. Youll just have to make do with exporting anything ztl related as an obj and import them as primitives in nomad. I’ve thought about creating alphas in zbrush out of downloaded alpha brushes for zbrush and using them in nomad but instead I’ve found’ alphas that were made in photo editing apps.
I’ve seen ppl customize their tools to behave like zbrush brushes. But as Far as ztls I’m guessing you’ll be able to export them as obj. I’m thinking maybe create objects out of some of these brush effects export them as obj, import them into nomad and use them as an instance or stamp?
Avez vous reussi a exporter et utilise en obj les pinceaux zbrush ??? Je serait interesser pas vos travaux. Merci !