1.85 any estimate for the release date?

I have been visitng the play store almost daily the last weeks hopping to see the latest version available.
Any estimate of a date for its release?
I keep on seeing this awesome new tools on videos so I am getting a little bit more anxious everyday LOL.
I know I you can test them on the web version but since I can’t save the projects I rather not. I am scare to end up making something awesome that I can not save.


I wanna know too. my iPad updates my apps automatically and I guess its a reason for me to get on nomad almost every day


Every time someone asks the latest update will get delayed by 1 week. Please let our leader work :wink:


“our leader” makes you sound SO cringe and weird. please stop.

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Second post on the forum calling a long time member cringe…….hows that working out for you?
Stephane is our leader……if you’re not on board with that then maybe Forger is the app for you.


It’s working out fine for me. YOU are the one prostrating to a software developer. Also, I don’t care about how long someone has been here. Even THAT is weird. Stephane has made a great app and leads this Community. You and the other guys need to glaze the head of this app is a YOU problem. Maybe go outside guys. You have ACTUAL fathers. Not sure if Stephane wants any MORE children calling him daddy, if he doesn’t have any already.

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You should tell him to change his forum title then

It’s normal to call someone a leader in a forum or community.
I used to be in a charity group and there was someone whom we called Mr. Leader because he was the one who started the group/community.
It’s not like a relationship between father & children.
But actually like leader & members.


So… you’re a part of this community, which you yourself stated that He leads. Wouldn’t that make Him your leader as well?

Welcome to the flock my friend :sheep: :sheep::sheep:



1.85 is going to be released when ready, hopefully in 2 weeks

Supreme Leader


This is GOLD! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


PTDRRR :joy:

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There is a huge difference in calling someone “a leader” compared to “our leader”. The later makes the lead developer SEEM prideful and conceited it also makes you SEEM gulible and primitive. This isnt a “follow the leader” community because the lead developer isnt repossible for how you use the application to create - they just provide the application and updated tools. Otherwise, thats like claiming Epic is the leader behind multiple games developed/programmed using Unreal Engine.

The orginal post was just asking a question but received a response from someone implying that they are disrespecting and doubting “thier leader”.

We all appreciate the developers progress and hard work but lets not depend on “updates” in order to be leaders ourselves with the app. There are many leader on Youtube and in this community showing how to use NOMAD SCULPTS tools, efficiently and creatively.

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Oh boy :man_facepalming:


Should we call Stephane ‘Dear leader’ instead?

I found a photo of him attending siggraph when a few of us spotted him:



That’s you in the background……725th from the left.
Just so that there’s no confusion to others reading this conversation, these are jokes. For example, I know that the photo is not of Stephane. The guy in the photo is obviously Guy Sebastian signing autographs following the release of his greatest hits album “Follow The Leader”


Why still no update for 1.85 it’s been long enough

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Not been long enough. If it had been long enough then it would be released. All evidence points to not long enough.