Wider field of view?

I’m trying to get a super wide field of view to recreate this scene. Is it possible with the current camera angles? When I set to 90 it doesn’t seem wide enough

What is the scene you’re working with? This is only 50 degrees and is very similar to your Bluey scene. The scene is very shallow so it’s not about wide angle, its about how close the camera is to the scene.

How can you change the camera distance? Just by zooming in?

Yes, zoom in not FOV. Or you could save a camera and then reposition it in the scene. Not really necessary with Nomad.
if you look at the scene you posted there isn’t very much depth in it - the door and a window on the side walls. It may seem wide but it’s actually just a close in shallow view.

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I would also like a wider field of view & May have even asked for 360 previously :rofl:

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I’d also point out that its a 2d layout you’re referencing, not a ‘true’ 3d house plan.

2d background layouts often cheat the perspective and layout so that its more suited for horizontal panning shots.

In terms of nomad, you could fake that so instead of making the walls meet at 90 degrees, they meet at a much wider angle, more like the backdrop of a play rather than a real house.

Yeah the more I explore this Bluey scene, the more I notice they play fast and loose with perspective lol move the walls off 90 degrees helps, thanks all