Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

@stephomi I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all your hard work. Your app is a phenomenal dream.

I both love and hate it when thereโ€™s an update. Love it because you never disappoint with the features. Hate it because I feel guilt when a bug inevitably pops up and people get so upset.

If I could make one request for the next version: Add a donate button. Allow those who would love to give a little extra the ability to do so. Cheers :beers:


I agree!! :pray:t3::pray:t3:

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RogerRoger I completely agree with you.
Stephanie let me thank you!

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Same here. Absolutely agree. Who would have thought such a fantastic sculpting app is even possible on a tablet ( Android in my case).
It even runs great on my Samsung phone.

Big thanks for making that possible!

Dayum, i was thinking the same thing yesterday.
How cool is it that one guy made this awesome app, and i feel kinda of guilty that it was so โ€œcheapโ€.
I would gladly donate it a bit more, specially when a new feature is added and i just get my mind blown again and again :rofl: