I’m new to this program but I’m really excited to experiment with digital models and sculpting, however one thing that has been frustrating me is that I can paint. I know how to change the color of the material itself but I can’t paint on top of it. I’m not the base layer, I’m on the top.
If anyone can give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
can you screen record the entire interface and upload that video? it could be a variety of things, but hard to say without seeing the full UI.
at a guess;
-your paint colour is white in that sreenshot, is that what you expect?
-you don’t have the erase mode turned on by accident?
-you have ‘show painting’ enabled in the lighting menu?
-your brush intensity isn’t at 0% by accident?
-you’re painting on a mesh that’s been validated?
Ok I’ll see if what you recommended will resolve the issue. I appreciate your response 
Have a nice day
I CAN PAINT!!! I checked through all the suggestions you had and then I clicked paint all and then I undid it and suddenly I could paint! Thank you so much for the advice!
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