New retopology app

Hi, there is a new retopo app in development that could be a very good supplement for nomad.


This is gonna be pretty exciting to me, I can’t wait to see how it runs

Wow this could be a game changer :ok_hand:

what is the app? Can you please post more information?

CozyBlanket and that twitter feed is the only info available as it is still in development and probably a ways off coming to market

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I just realized the link was in the comment. For whatever reason I thought CozyBlanket was the person’s tag name, lol.
Just watch the link and that looks AMAZING!!!

That looks like it will be very useful. Thanks for the heads up. :+1:t2:


Any update on this… Anyone got their invite yet?

Private Beta started

Sorry for being a pain in the a** :relieved: and asking again…
Did anyone (who applied) got their beta code at all?
I’m dying to try this app.

I applied but haven’t heard anything back :confused:

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Me too, no answer


no, still nothing :frowning:


Nothing like this for your android users?

well… you have blender - but with such a small screen and no touch screen input… and you need a keyboard, of course.

I think that’s the reason why no one programs for Android. There is actually a great free alternative. But it’s so mush better to have nomad…

What would be the great free alternative? As for blender, I use that on my PC. But would love to see something on a mobile platform

Well nothing…(at least I am aware of) and as long as Uniform/Cozy blanket is not coming…

Same for painting with textures. Either you go with blender - and can live with the limits - due to keyboard and mouse requirements, or you need an iPad.

I must have misunderstood you when you said there was a free alternative. But I think you have missed my point. Blender and cozy not really the same category fo what I am talking about. Cozy is mobile, blender , not so much. I will find another way, there has to be something.

No, I think I got you: You want a simple to use (free) Retopo app on mobiles. I wrote that there is Blender on Android, and - as you mentioned - Cozy on iOS. So: simple, mobile, and free (Blender).
But yes - currently: both apps are neither simple nor convenient to use on a tablet or a whole character.

You have to, e.g. use a keyboard and a three button mouse - and live with the small tablet screen (btw: there are plenty of users doing so, employing the docking mode (e.g. Samsung Dex) + external monitor) + a slow mobile processors (the Blender example). Or have to learn/employ a totally different workflow (Cozy: jepp - I think this is the best possible on a tablet, but time consuming).

My point is: Modelling/Retopo is not meant to be on a tablet/phone (my opinion).

Yes, there is Valence 3D/Cozy blanket (both iOS): it’s a pain. I’ll never do full characters with each of them. Modelling and Retopo were invented on full blown Desktop PCs - but when it comes to mobile platforms: a totally different approach is required.

Finally: there are some projects going on porting Blender to the Play Store, and a debate how to make Blender-modelling “usable” on mobiles - we’ll see how it will end.

And yes: reading my comment: It sounds quite “you’re not responding to my question”. Yes - but: nomad demonstrates perfectly, that complicate stuff can be made far more convenient! Just comparing Sculpting on Desktop (ZBrush) vs. Nomad:

Maybe some time will come and we’ll be presented with something totally new.