Nothing special, really. Check it out:
With some more tweaking you should easily get to something like this:
Download nomad scene from here:
Nothing special, really. Check it out:
With some more tweaking you should easily get to something like this:
Download nomad scene from here:
As I expected my newborn princess is taking all my time,
but I maneged to finish the cow scene.
Maybe I’ll do a flying saucer version too, idk…
Well, congratulations. On the plus side, they sleep a lot which lets you sculpt in little bursts.
Congratulations, enjoy this time!
It looks great!
And congrats on the addition
Thanks you, guys!
how do you sculpt
Well, nothing special, really.
I usually start with 20-30k primitive (box/sphere/cyl…) matcap view
when i add details i enable dyn topo. and remesh to about 100K-200K
Dynamic topo is great to add detail only where you need it, but should
be used only at base level - if used on a separate layer it will mess your geometry.
Then i swich to PBR, add some light and paint materials, rougness etc. on separate
layers for maximum control. Then i sculpt some more and so on and so forth until finished.
Then you render and share your creations for crits and comments.
I love the style here!
Lovely model, love the eyes expression!
Thanks mate!
I wanted to make it look a bit wacky
very nice job
Great character & pose. From reference or original?
Great ! How about a black eye and a bitten ear ?
Oh what a great model, I love the dynamic flow, very nice
So organic and expressive! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much, guys!
Great idea Holger!
Bezzo, concept is from - tons of quality stuff.
Super! I love it