Lost access to quad remesher

Bug reports Lost access to quad remesher when upgrading from beta 1.89 beta to 1.90 purchased quad remesher when first offered in beta

Did you buy the quad remesher or not?

Quad remesher wasn’t “offered”, TestFlight cannot support IAP, so it’s using a sandbox system when you use TestFlight).

Yes I did buy it but bought i when first offered in beta … I have always been in beta and never upgraded since latest has always been in beta

Ok then I bought it when the option to purchase went live

You cannot buy anything in TestFlight, it’s a sandbox system, so you didn’t buy anything (even though it appears so, it’s mostly to simulate the purchase process for testing purpose).

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I need a remedy for this as I paid for quad remesher nd would like to use it in the upgrade

I understand