How to open this menu?

how to open this one menu? i really need to open it after duplicating a object

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Select the object that you want to edit & that menu will popup. If you’re on mobile then sometimes you have to turn the device.

the only menu that really appears is a view menu, do i need to use a specific feauture for it?

I think the menu you are referencing is older and the icons/layout may have changed. In order to see the menu, you need to select a primitive (un-validated object) in the Object Menu.

Once selected, the menu you’re looking for will show up. NOTE: depending on your device, you may have to close the Object Menu to see the menu.

Here is a gif showing both torus and cylinder with the menus:

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well mine dosent show the option to select primitive anymore, does that has anything to do? because its still not showing.

If it’s not a primitive, it’s because you validated it.

You can simply add a new primative in the Object menu by pressing the + button.

ok thanks, it seems that was the problem, but now i dont see the radius option

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