Curve profile preset sync

Hi. When i create preset for profile of curve , i can set sync on all curves an can update or change it . But when i reopen project , the sync is on but profiles are not changing for all curves.

I think sync is only active if you activate all profile sections on the nodes - in your case only 1 profile is active for all nodes. (1 dot VS 3 dots)

Not sure how it should work, :sweat_smile: but there is different behavior after reopening project. In first image you can see word “test” next to sync. That is my preset for curve and when i edit that profile, all three curves are udpading. But in my second image after re-opening, that word “test” its gone and changing profile only update one curve. Im making hair for character and have around 20 curves so I tough that sync can help me edit all of their profiles so i can test how it will look. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, I think sync is lost after saving and reopening the file.

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I’ll check it out, it’s indeed lost.

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