Hi, been using Nomad for about a month
I’ve tried using the import button directly in the ui, using files like obj and fbx. My files aren’t necessarily big either, maybe 10mb if there’s a size limit?
Tried importing directly from my file directory on my tablet, no dice.
Whenever I attempt, it simply opens the app as I left it, no dialogue to give an error message or otherwise, it just functions as if I hadn’t done anything at all.
I’m using a Samsung Tab 8+, with my nomad version being 1.90
So confused!!
Do they show up in the scene outliner?
Where are the models from?
Can you load them into other 3d apps?
Can you post an example mesh here?
They don’t turn up in the scene outlier at all. After trying to import, it’s as if I hadn’t even done anything, no acknowledgement or error dialogue at all.
Models are things I’d previously made in Zbrush
I can load both models in Zbrush and Maya on my Windows PC
Idk how to upload the models here haha but here’s a link to them: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer
Hmm, both load for me, both in the web demo and on my phone.
The scales are quite different from the default sphere though; the obj is 10x larger, the fbx is 10x smaller. Both appear in the outliner though, so it was clear to see that they had loaded successfully.
I’m running the 1.91 beta, maybe thats the issue? If you’re on ipad/iphone, you can contact the developer to be added to the testflight build.
Well that was strange. I tried importing today, to check it deffo wasn’t in the outliner… And it just works?! I’m so confused, but at least it works now. 
Thank you tho for trying to help me! I was about to ask the devs 
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